Recently rapper, activist and civic leader Killer Mike finished his new album R.A.P. Music. (That’s an abbreviation for “Rebellious African People.”) The socially conscious and outspoken rapper’s new album hit stores May 15, 2012, and Killer Mike has been making appearances at his own barber shop to promote the album and spread a message of empowerment and entrepreneurship for the local community.
Killer Mike says that he bought the barber shop on Craigslist and as a way to empower men in the local community by boosting their confidence with haircuts. While it may sound like a simple notion, Killer Mike believes that a great haircut has tremendous power in showing men that they can achieve their dreams and overcome any obstacle that they currently face. Ever since opening the Graffiti Swag Shop with his wife, the local residents have become empowered by the opportunities this new barber shop offers the community.
Killer Mike believes that barber shops also provide opportunities for young people who are preparing for college and careers. In fact, his own son is studying to become a barber while he decides what he will study at an undergraduate program at a traditional college. Killer Mike has opened up his barber shop to other men in the local community who need to make some cash and are trying to decide how they will spend the rest of their lives and where they will take their careers. For some that may mean working as professional barbers for life, and for others barbering may be a stepping stone to another career path.
The Graffiti’s Swag barber shop has become a central focus of the local community, and a place where black men can go and feel respected. Killer Mike believes that black men need a place where they can bond with one another and build up a strong, empowered black community. The Graffiti Swag Shop is shaping up to be just that sort of place. Men can come in and get more than just a haircut. They can bond with their barbers and simply chat about life. The Graffiti Swag Shop provides traditional barbering services such as haircuts, shaves and eyebrow arching for men. Men can also come in and simply get some guidance on starting a business in the local community. Ever since its opening, the Graffiti Swag Shop has started to gain a consistent stream of customers in its doors.
One of the ways that the Graffiti Swag Shop has been successful in building customer loyalty is through its use of social media networks. The Graffiti Swag Shop has its own Twitter account at @GraffitisSWAG. One can also find the Graffiti Swag Shop on Facebook. Barber shops are an increasingly popular way to promote entrepreneurship in the local community. They allow men to receive an income after as little as 12 to 15 months of getting training hours at a barber school. They also give men hope that they can advance their careers in the cosmetology industry and someday own their own barbershop or salon. Barbershops will continue to grow in the upcoming years as centers of entrepreneurship in local communities.